At along the streets in Jakarta we'll often find shop like this beside the streets. And I do'nt understand why the shops appear only in the night. I see the streets so busy in by day and inn the twilight the shop like in the picture come to make awning and open about 18.00 until midnight or dawn. So, the streets in Jakarta never vacant.
Yes, the food that on sale in the shop cosier in the night. In the banner we can read "Nasi Uduk". Nasi uduk is Indonesian culinary rice. Nasi uduk is the prime food of the shop. If we'll find the shop like this we'll find the same menu like this :
@ Pecel Lele is a packet content Nasi Uduk and fried freshwater catfish plus fresh fruit and "sambal terasi". Sambal terasi is sauce made with shrimp paste. Fresh fruits consists of cabbage, basil, cucumber etc. The combination of fruits said "lalap"
@ Pecel Ayam is a packet content Nasi Uduk and fried chicken. The difference with the pecel lele, this packet content fried chiken, not fried freshwater catfish.
The others packet is Ati Ampela, Nasi Goreng, Sop Ayam etc.