Sunday, January 15, 2017


Alang Toraya (Toraja Granary)
Sit on this place, see the paddy field, mount and feel the wind blowing. So fresh, caused by Toraja is a cool natural.This is granary. In Bahasa Indonesia said "lumbung padi" and in Toraja said "alang". Alang just not to save paddy, but at the bottom look like on the picture,  alang is a place to relax like a gazebo. 

More, alang also a complement of tongkonan building. Alang is smaller building similar with tongkonan building that standing in the yard of tongkonan.

If one time, the big family of tongkonan organize an event in tongkonan, alang be VIP room for a laeader and/or people that have first casta can sit on alang. So, people can see and know who is sitting there.
alang - lumbung Toraja - Toraja granary

This alang using roof with bamboo but use cover by zinc material. The origin alang not use modern material. The origin alang just use bamboo for roof and wood for body of alang. Not use nail and iron.

Alang Toraja - lumbung padi -Toraja Granary
This is alang see from south. Appear the little door like a window. Same like tongkonan building alang also standing with the body extend froam north to south.
Alang Toraja - lumbung padi -Toraja Granary
This is the attic of alang

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