Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Musical Instruments from Bamboo in Toraja

Bamboo is a kind of plant that growth fertile in Toraja from many kind species. No difficult to find the plant here. Bamboo is multifunction in Torajanesse life. Bamboo used to cooking, make pa'piong, roof material and many others. Moreover in Toraja we know about Bamboo Music.
A Bamboo Music group consists of flute player dan bamboo music player. One of the bamboo function is for music instrument. Said Bamboo Music. The music played by children and adult. In common school or sundays school.

Making this musical instrument need diligence and patient. Caused by the tone of the music depend on the big or long of the bamboo. The music accompany by flute and sometime singer.
We can see the Bamboo Music concert in Indonesian Day by common school children and in Christmas Day by Sunday school children. We can see out of these time in hotels in Toraja specially for tourist.
The Bamboo Music players just not making the bamboo plant dancing on mountain by wind gust in Toraja but also making the bamboo can singing.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Torajan Style Cuisine

About culinary in Toraja, we'll also find the uniqueness although actually we'll find several equations with others places culinary in Indonesia. I mean pa'piong and how to make it ?. Making pa'piong with set on fire in bamboo.
Cooking in bamboo, we can also find in others places like in North and Middle of Sulawesi, West Sumatra and may be in out of the places. But I want to tell you about how Torajanesse cooking using bamboo as container for cooking.
Cutting meat and mixer with many kind of spices. The main matter is meat and the second is vegetable.

The vegetables is Coleus blumei (Indonesia :mayana, Toraja : Bulu nangko). This vegetables at most used in cooking pa'piong with compressed Colous blumei after mix with all of spices. One bar of pa'piong will contain much coleus blumai that means this is health culinary.
Many species of Coleus blumei can grow thriving in Toraja although Torajanesse not make cultivation of these species. These species can grow in wherever land moreover until to the land of mountains stone.

Mixture with meat, coleus blumei, spices in bamboo will emit fragrance after fired and sure tasty and delicious.

Makale Rantepao

Rantepao (the first picture) and Makale (the second picture) are biggest cities in Toraja. First, Toraja just one regency where Makale was government center city and Rantepao was trade city.
Toraja had divided in two government regency namely Tana Toraja and Toraja Utara. Tana Toraja (Tator) is south part and Toraja Utara (Torut) is north part.
Makale is capital city of Tator and Rantepao is capital city of Torut. Makale and Rantepao connected by a main street, where no difficult to find public transportation here.
The land along this street is the first class location in Toraja. The first facilities placed in the side of the street. Like government office, banks, hotels,hospital, mini market, school and others.
Almost all of place in Toraja reffering to the both city and the connecting road. So, not difficult to trip in the region.
Around the street we'll find tourism object like Ke'te' Kesu', Londa, Buntang and we also can get the souvenir in Rantepao where along the street we'll see the beautiful panorama.

Kenapa Dengan Film Filosofi Kopi 2 ?

Berita kehadiran Luna Maya di Toraja yang  menyebar lewat situs dan jejaring sosial, berkembang seakan-akan memberitakan bahwa ada film ...