Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grand Paragon Gajah Mada

Grand Paragon Gajah Mada building located in Gajah Mada Street. Just about 5 kilometer from National Monument (MONAS = Monument National) and just about 2 kilometers from The Old Batavia. This building consists of hotel, restaurant, and shopping centre. The interesting thing about this building is around this place never lonely untill morning caused by night life where not far from here we'll find much night club, entertaint service and karaoke like Stadium, Sun City, Sydney 2000, Diamond, Crown, Club 36 and others.
So easy to get this place by public transport. From Tanah Abang by Angkot M08 (red M kosong delapan), from Senen by Angkot M12 (M dua belas) or from much place just using Trans Jakarta busway, stopping at Mangga Besar Shelter at Corridor 1 (Blok M - Kota Route)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Angkot M12 Transportation

Angkot (ANGkutan KOTa) means city transportation. M12 is the code of transportation route. The route is Senen to Old Town vice versa. Senen is passenger terminal to much destination. So is The Old Town that always said The Oud Batavia or Old Town Batavia.

Senen Terminal and around consists of much shopping centre like Plaza Atrium Senen and Senen Market.

The Old Town is a tourism object. A city about Jakarta history. Consists of old buildings that visited much people

Monday, September 24, 2012

Metro Mini

Only 2.000 IDR you can go trace the Jakarta's street by this bus, Metro Mini that consists of much route . This is Metro Mini 07 with Route Senen - Semper. We will spend more than 50.000 IDR if trace this route by taxi. This transportation has used by Jakarta's community for long time ago. Eventhough this time we can find new transportation namely busway but the Metro Mini still be the choice by much people.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bantaran Kali Besar

Bantaran Kali Besar yang menjadi bagian dari Kota Tua dimulai dari Jembatan Batu dekat pusat perbelanjaan Asemka hingga ujung Kali Besar yang bermuara di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Bisa dibayangkan betapa ramai dan indahnya ruas kali ini di masa kejayaannya.

Sepanjang ruas kali yang diapit oleh jalan raya ini berdiri gedung gedung yang tentu saja megah pada masanya di mana saat ini merupakan tempat untuk duduk ngobrol sambil menikmati makanan ringan nan murah. Suatu tradisi yang perlahan lahan terbentuk oleh para pencinta Kota Tua yang sebagian besar seakan terhalau dari ruang ruang utama kota Jakarta yang seakan tidak memberi ruang bermain yang bebas dari pungutan biaya.

Suhu udara di tempat ini lumayan enak karena Kali Besar ini lumayan lebar sehingga sirkulasi udara lancar.

Kenapa Dengan Film Filosofi Kopi 2 ?

Berita kehadiran Luna Maya di Toraja yang  menyebar lewat situs dan jejaring sosial, berkembang seakan-akan memberitakan bahwa ada film ...