Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hot Coffee in Cool Natural

The cool weather will we feel before entry to the south gate of Toraja in Salubarani. Before, at Bambapuang, a mountain in Enrekang district is a place where we feel the weather change slowly be cooler.

The mountains in Toraja, often shut by cloud on the morning, moreover the cloud sometimes shut the houses people.

The hot coffee or tea were beverage that really we need. Toraja known have good coffee that producted directly from farmer.

Bogor Botanical Garden

Do you wanna feel the fresh air ? The answer is trip to Bogor. Bogor is satelit city of Jakarta at south side. The Bogor Land is higher from Jakarta, so the weather in Bogor cooler than Jakarta.

The story of Bogor couldn't separated with the story of Jakarta. The Bogor Botanical Garden actually a garden where found The Palace of president. This picture is a palace that builded in the Bogor Botanical Garden.

According Indonesian History, The Dutch Government planned Bogor as the Centre of Indonesian government. The good and Big planning not been a reality until Dutch leave Indonesian.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Toraja Palm Wine

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People in Toraja very close with bamboo and sugar palm. In this picture the students were in celebrating 100 hundred Gospel in Toraja brought palm wine in the jerrycan and bamboo as cup to drink. For long time ago, people in Toraja not using jerrycan to haul the "wine", but also using the bigger bamboo dan jug.

Bamboo and sugar palm were the plant that growth in the garden. These plants were parts of the mountain and hill Green that so easy we see on Toraja natural.

Drinking not means drunk. Not easy to be drunk in the cool place like this. We need the wine palm to warming body.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Rantepao City

This picture captured from Singki', a mount behind of Rantepao City. On the top of Singki', the Government of Toraja Utara District is bulding a biggest cross. So easy climb Singki' by stairs.

Rantepao is one of two biggest City in Toraja. Before Toraja divided in to district, Makale was the government city and Rantepao was business city. After that Toraja divided in two district. Makale be the government Centre of Tana Toraja and Rantepao be the government city of Toraja Utara. In map of Sulawesi, Rantepao found between Makale and Palopo.

Rantepao is a city where tourist get what they need after look around the interesting places around Rantepao.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


These women, using Toraja ethnical costume plus accessories that said Kandaure. Kandaure is a multifungtion accessories in an ethnical event in Toraja. Kandaure used by men, women and also be an important element in a decoration.
kandaure toraja
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Kandaure just not give a beautifully but also be a symbol that full with meaning in culture system of Toraja.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Garment From Sa'dan

The shirt that used by these people consist of "pa'tannun Sa'dan" material. Sa'dan is a region in North of Toraja. This time Sa'dan a part of Toraja Utara district. (Toraja Utara means North Of Toraja).
Pa'tannun Sa'dan is garment weaving from Sa'dan. This garment known for long  time ago.


See their head, hide of the sun by we as Torajanesse said "sarong". Sarong is a traditional industri product in Toraja. Sarong, beside cover the head fron sun, also used to make more beautiful when someone using costume of Toraja.

Sarong also used working on the paddy field, garden or used while

Kenapa Dengan Film Filosofi Kopi 2 ?

Berita kehadiran Luna Maya di Toraja yang  menyebar lewat situs dan jejaring sosial, berkembang seakan-akan memberitakan bahwa ada film ...