Friday, June 13, 2014

Pekan Rakyat Jakarta Monas 2014

Pekan Rakyat Jakarta 10 s/d 15 Juni 2014 dilangsungkan di saat Jakarta Fair Kemayoran sedang berlangsung. Pekan Rakyat Jakarta yang dilangsungkan di halaman Monas ini dimaksudkan oleh Gubernur DKI untuk memberikan ruang bagi masyarakat ekonomi lemah turut serta memeriahkan ulang tahun Jakarta. Hal ini terbukti dari tidak diadakannya pungutan tanda masuk bagi para pengunjung Pekan Rakyat Jakarta ini yang untuk pertama kalinya ini diselenggarakan.
Demikian maksud dari Gubernur  Joko Widodo yang disampaikan Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur DKI Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok) dalam pidato pembukaan Pekan Rakyat Jakarta. Pekan Raya Jakarta Kemayoran sendiri adalah event berskala nasional dengan tiket masuk yang dianggap cukup memberatkan bagi masyarakat miskin. Jangankan berbelanja, tiket masuk buat satu keluarga saja sudah menguras isi dompet. Ahok bahkan merinci kalau satu keluarga miskin saja hanya mampu membeli tiket masuk dan makan kerak telor Betawi. Untuk itulah Pekan Rakyat Jakarta diselenggarakan. Free tiket masuk dengan harga barang, makanan dan minuman yang dianggap murah.

Tenda-tenda kios para pedagang di Pesta Rakyat Jakarta ini memiliki warna dan bentuk yang seragam yakni warna putih dengan atap berbentuk kerucut runcing. Tidak ada kesan semrawut karena ditata dengan rapi. Para pedagang berjualan dengan antusias menawarkan produk ke pengunjung karena menganggap barang jualan mereka cukup terjangkau. Menyusuri deretan demi deretan kios tak harus dengan maksud belanja karena kita bisa menjadikan tempat yang sarat hiburan ini untuk menikmati makan siang atau malam. Tersedia aneka jajanan pasar bukan hanya khas Betawi yang kotanya sedang berulang tahun tetapi juga makanan khas Indonesia serta menu menu baru.
Kawasan Monas yang menurut Ahok adalah tempat yang paling ramai dikunjungi orang akan dibangun suatu ruang bawah tanah untuk tempat berjualan bagi para pedagang sehingga halaman utama (bagian atas) benar benat dikosongkan.
Menjelang malam para pedagang pedagang kecil lainnya turut serta dengan menggelar tikar seperlunya di tempat di mana banyak orang lalu lalang. Di dekat dasar Menara Monas dilangsungkan pula hiburan panggung bagi para pengunjung. Pekan Rakyat Jakarta benar benar buat masyarakat Jakarta. Silahkan simak sambutan dari Ahok di bawah ini.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

National Monument

Monas (Monument Nasional) standing in the center of Jakarta. The Monument have the big main square. Come to this places just not see the tower of monument but also make our eyes see the building in long distance.
People standing in line waiting get lift to the tower of the monument. Just IDR 15.000 we can see all from museum until tower. We also feeling really Indonesia in this place at museum under the monument. The old Indonesia song audible all time from every speaker in corner.
Wanna see Istiqlal Mosque and Cathedral Church standing in harmony ?, get the picture like this from the tower of Monas in east side.
They were selling souvenir, t-shirt etc with cheap price.
Monas also be romantic place in twilight.
So easy to find Monas. Just get Trans Jakarta and stop at the Monas Shelter Corridor 1 or Gambir Shelter Corridor 2. You also can get this place by train with stop at Gambir Station

TMII Indonesia Miniature Park

TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) is one place that known just not by Jakarta community but all of Indonesian people.  Much of us as Indonesian not know about life of others ethnic at their place. We live in places that far from one to others. We need place like this, Indonesian Miniature.

Jakarta is a city with consists of multi ethnic that come from all places in Indonesia. Everybody leave their cultural life and come to Jakarta live together with others ethnic.TMII is a place that bring us like find a place that we leave. I can enter to the house in "Anjungan" and feel like enter to my really house. Just not that, in TMII we find much arena to game. Feel the natural here. Walk around Indonesia just on foot.

This is Keong Mas ("gold snail"). The unique room theater. This is just one place that we can to spend time here. We need time from open until close, eventhough all day here we cannot visit all the places.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ethnic House in Indonesian Miniature Park (TMII)

Indonesian Miniature Park found in TMII ( Taman Mini Indonesia Indah). TMII is a big park that show Indonesian in multi ethnic. Visit this place like go around Indonesia from Aceh in the west until Papua in the east.
TMII is a smart concept how to find Indonesian in one place. Get this place by Trans Jakarta Public Transpor in Corridor 9. Stop at Taman Mini Garuda Shelter. From the shelter you have two option, on foot or use the next public transport K40 to the gate of TMII.
 This picture not in West Sumatra (Minangkabau) where we'll find the habitation that consists of house like this. This is in TMII in Jakarta City. The houses ethnic in this park same with the origin of the house include size and architecture. The people that build the houses were the ethnic house architect.
Classification of the houses base on province in Indonesia. In one province we'll find one or more ethnic, so same like in this park, we can find one or more ethnic house in one province.
In every house we can buy souvenir that match with the ethnic souvenir of the house.We also can enter to the house like enter to the really house in  Indonesia habitation.
Indonesia is a big country that separated by sea. You need much time to can visit all off that. You can find Indonesia here, TMII, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

The next picture, Tongkonan. This Toraja Ethnic House from South Of Sulawesi. In the same plots we'll find other ethnic house from South Sulawesi.

 See the complete slide here...!

Kenapa Dengan Film Filosofi Kopi 2 ?

Berita kehadiran Luna Maya di Toraja yang  menyebar lewat situs dan jejaring sosial, berkembang seakan-akan memberitakan bahwa ada film ...